Before we dive into what a website must have. A website is a set of related web pages that are under the same domain name and published on, at least, one web server. Websites are publicly accessible and made by using the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) in addition with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript.
As years go by, companies have utilized the option of websites really well, knowing that a lot of things have been digitized. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to the details on your website to get good feedback from your customers.
By feedback, we do not mean their comments alone, but also the way they respond to your website and if it positively affects your business/company.
There are a million and one websites, but there are good ones, better ones, and the best ones. You want to make sure that your customers have a great user experience when they use your website. This way, it is even easier to retain them as permanent customers.
This article focuses on some of the things that your website must have, and we shall be looking at eleven of them. These are noteworthy so that when you want to have a website for your company (or make better an already existing one), you know the things that you mustn’t omit. Before then, however, we shall be looking at five types of websites. There are more types, but five will be mentioned here.

Types of Websites
There are several types of websites, lets look at them briefly.
- Ecommerce Websites: This website is simply for selling things online. It usually contains images of high quality, wish lists, profile pages, etc. Companies like JUMIA, Konga, Jiji, etc, have this type of website.
- Portfolio Websites: This type of website is used to display work samples of certain professionals so that prospective clients can see and patronize the professional. It always contains information about the professional/agency, samples of their works, an explanation of their services, and then, a call-to-action.
- Wiki/Database Website: This type always has a large number of pages, and is used to provide a lot of information about a particular thing or person. This website has an easy way of searching for things.
- Blog/News Websites: This one is mainly to give out current news to readers and visitors. Each article has its own pages and they are categorized properly for easy and convenient browsing. Some blogs aren’t necessarily for news articles but for things like stories, diaries, etc.: these are for entertainment.
- Business Websites: This type of website is to give information about your business or company to prospective clients/customers, and convince them to patronize or work with you. On this website, the bio (About page) of the company is there, and mission and value statements, contact information, and a call-to-action are included. This is the type of website we are focusing on in this article.
What Are the 11 Important Things Your Company Website Must Have?
- Beautiful Outlook: The first thing that will attract your prospective clients is the beauty of your website. It must be easy on the eye by having an attractive outlook. This, however, does it mean that it should be unnecessarily bombarded with colours or designs. This can turn people off, thereby defeating the aim of the website.
- Easy Navigation: The point is to make your customers stay, and not to drive them away. For this reason, it is a must that your website is easy to navigate. It must have a very easy navigation menu because nobody likes stress– especially not your customers.
- The ‘About’ Section: It is not surprising that this is included in the list. The About section must not be missing from your website. That is the page that helps customers know about your company, and it greatly influences their choice to stay or not. This means that apart from it being included in the website, it must be properly articulated so that your customers are convinced to stay and patronise, or work with you
- Contact Information: It is an expensive error for your clients or website visitors to want to reach you, but cannot. That is like showing them a beautiful house but telling them that they cannot enter it; only that this time, you’ll be the one to suffer it as your customers would run off to better websites of other companies. So for this not to happen, make sure the email address, telephone number(s), physical address, etc., of the company, are not omitted from the website.
- (Linked) Social Media Icons: Your website should have social media icons (like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) that are linked to your actual social media pages for these various platforms. This is also another way for your customers to reach you. There should also be a ‘share’ button for people to be able to share your content.
- Adaptable Web Design: Different people will use different types of devices to visit your website. Some people may use phones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and so on. You want to be sure that your website fits any screen at all and that there is no overflow or any other problems.
- Relevant Keywords: One thing that must be included in your website is the relevant keywords. They have to be consistent throughout your website so that when people search for these words in relation to your business/company, your website also comes up.
- Logo: Your company’s logo is one of the most important items to be included in your website. It is a means of identification, and it also accords your website some credibility. In addition, if it is a beautiful logo, it makes your website more beautiful.
- Blog: Blogs are a great way to connect with your audience and have them stay and come back. Make sure your blog posts are useful, and that you are consistent with uploading. This way, your customers look forward to the next blog post, and so they keep coming back for more.
- Testimonials: Testimonials are a great way to get and retain customers. People are more convinced when they see evidence, so having a section for testimonials on your website is very important.
- Call-to-Action: The call-to-action must not be forgotten. As the name implies, it calls your customers to take action that brings leads to your company. It may be to subscribe to something, place a call to the company, buy something, patronise a service, etc.
To wrap it up, it is advised that you take note of these things and make sure that they are not absent from your website. You can also check out some other things that you can include, because every website is different from the others.
Remember that whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well. So, make the person who designs your website understand the goals of your company and your reason for doing the website. Also remember that the outlook of your website is the first thing your customers/visitors see, so be sure that it is catchy enough. That is the first step to keeping them.

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Website Must Have Website Must Have Website Must Have Website
Website Must Have Website Must Have Website Must Have Website