How a great website impacts your business ROI

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If one of your business ROI goals is an improved marketing, the first place to focus on is your website.

Many businesses have come to understand the importance of having a website. Adding a website in addition to owning a physical outlet is one move that can hugely impact your business ROI. While the wave is high and every business is riding on it, you don’t need to join in the ride just for the sake of it but you need to understand what you stand to gain and how a great website can affect your business ROI.

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While there are millions of websites on the internet, not every business is actively benefiting from having one, and this is because the competition is tough, and you need to ensure that your website is healthy and stands out, in order to aid visibility and attract quality traffic. While there may be several factors that will affect the success of a business website, one of the most common ones is the website design.

As much as it is important to have a web presence for your business, it is even more important to ensure your website attracts customers, because 88% of website visitors are less likely to return to a website after a bad experience, and 38% will stop engaging with a website if the design is unattractive. Therefore, a great website design can be the difference between a good impact on business ROI and a very poor impact on business ROI.

Your business website is more than just a digital hub for your business — It is a comprehensive asset that should impact hugely on your business ROI by attracting visitors and intuitively guide them throughout the website. Websites form the foundation of your digital sales funnel: The ROI-focused structure that will help you turn visitors from disinterested prospects into happy and recurring customers. 

What does website design have to do with business ROI?

Well, Colby Richards, managing partner of Brown Box Branding, explains that the journey towards creating a business website begins with getting a good web design firm to help you design an awesome website. There are brands who settle for already made website templates and set up a website by themselves. While this is good, it is great to get a custom website created just for your brand, but whichever way you choose for your business, it is important to keep in mind that the quality of your website design will impact hugely on your website performance and subsequently on your business ROI.

To better understand this, imagine yourself as a website user who needs to get something online. You will realize that as a user, you want to explore a site that is easy to navigate, has good speed, has well organized layouts, is attractive, and provides quality information. This means that if a website has a poor design, users, including you will open it and leave almost immediately without looking at anything or accessing any more of its pages.

Your business website is the face of your business which gives the first impressions to your prospects. You need to be focused on its performance and make sure that it meets the expectations of users and this is where a UX focused web design company comes in.

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Measuring the impact of your website on your business ROI

Making the decision to create a website for your business means that there are costs and investments involved, and as a business, you want to ensure that this decision to get a website gives you good returns on your investment.

Some metrics of website performance are sometimes not so simple to measure and calculate like trying to calculate brand awareness, but some other metrics are easily measurable, things like lead conversion, user retention, and others. So, to check the impact of your website on business ROI, you may want to monitor the analytics and reactions from the website. If you are getting a good number of new website visitors, visitors turning to leads, leads to customers, good number of referrals, link sharing to other channels and you also notice that the home page conversion rate is constantly increasing, then you should expect that your website is having a great impact on your business ROI.


Of course, there are costs associated with having a great website which will impact greatly on your business ROI and these costs are usually the developmental(design), maintenance and marketing costs. These costs are the investments you make to have a good conversion, therefore, do not allow some bad website design  features to ruin your otherwise good business ROI.

Contact Chilling Design today and let’s get you fixed up.

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