Choosing the Right Web Designer for Your Company

A Web designer just like everyone else you hire to do a job, can either make or mar the image of your company. The quality of people who work in, and for a brand has effect on the growth of the company. This is why before choosing people, you have to be sure that they […]

3 quick solutions to poor website conversion

While it is great to have multiple inflows of traffic to your website, for most businesses, it is not the priority, as traffic to your website might not guarantee any improvement to poor website conversion except, of course, your endgame is to just generate traffic. For most businesses that have goods to sell, products to […]

5 signs you need a new website for your brand

As a business owner, you may not have the necessary skills needed to build a website, but spotting and recognizing when you need a new website for your brand is definitely easy and should be part of your concerns. Your brand’s website is mostly the first exposure a new lead has with your brand. Your […]

3 Importance of website maintenance

We are now aware of the importance of owning a well-structured and healthy website for your business. But simply having the site up might not just be enough.  We also need to look at the importance of website maintenance. There is a need to regularly update and maintain your site as it is crucial to […]

5 ways to utilize and improve your website

There are no arguments that the online world is expanding and most businesses/brands are using websites more frequently as time goes on. If you are yet to get a website, you can still get one here. But owning a website is not all, you want to know ways to utilize and improve your website as […]

7 Different types of websites

As a brand, you need a website. Whether it’s for a business or a passion project, having your own website and online presence is very important. There are different types of websites online and all are competing for a share of the online attention. Starting a new website can sometimes be overwhelming, especially when you think […]